Tracy McIntyre

Clinical Psychologist

Empowering people to live their best lives.


'Mindfulness is knowing what is happening, while it is happening, no matter what it is, without judgement.' (Rob Nairn, 2004).

Life provides us with many stressors and we do not always have the tools to deal with them and we may develop unhealthy coping mechanisms, for instance using substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, or over or under eating, nail biting, compulsions etc. Mindfulness can provide us with tools to manage life events, so we can begin to let go of unhealthy patterns and adopt ways that can be much more helpful.

If you want to know more about Mindfulness and find out if this is the right approach for you, do get in touch by contacting me through my contact page.

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HPCSA Registration No.: PS0127680

Practice Number 086 001 0620246